➠ Result by Thursday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2024-05-02 1398 4752 4747 0067 0905 5701
2024-04-25 1391 6845 3442 9337 9106
2024-04-18 1383 4753 6943 3521 0222
2024-04-11 1376 1653 4322 9481 0952
2024-04-04 1369 1736 9619 7651 0582
2024-03-28 1362 6439 9303 4901 5067 6812
2024-03-21 1355 4163 3899 8545 9610
2024-03-14 1348 4269 1339 2509 4258
2024-03-07 1341 7015 2665 8593 0102 3971
2024-02-29 1334 6429 1094 4803 0974 0023


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